About the program

The Program’s Goals:

  • guaranteed supply of water resources for sustainable social and economic growth of the Russian Federation;
  • preservation, maintenance and recovery of water facilities to the state that ensure environmentally favorable living conditions;
  • ensuring protection of the population and economy from floods and other adverse impact of water.

The Program’s Objectives:

  • liquidation of local water deficits in water scarcity regions of Russian Federation;
  • increase rationality of water resources usage;
  • decrease adverse impact of human being on water facilities;
  • restoration and environmental rehabilitation of water facilities;
  • increase operational reliability of water-development works  (including ownerless) by bringing them to a secure technical condition;
  • ensuring protection of the population and economic facilities from the adverse impact of water by constructions of engineering protection facilities;
  • development and upgrade government system of water facilities monitoring.

The Program’s Presentation:

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